A tree view component to display and interact with hierarchical data structures.



Use the items prop as an array of objects with the following properties:

  • icon?: string
  • label?: string
  • trailingIcon?: string
  • defaultExpanded?: boolean
  • disabled?: boolean
  • value?: string
  • slot?: string
  • children?: TreeItem[]
  • onToggle?(e: Event): void
  • onSelect?(e?: Event): void
A unique identifier is required for each item. The component will use the value prop as identifier, falling back to label if value is not provided. One of these must be provided for the component to work properly.
<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'app/',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    children: [
        label: 'composables/',
        children: [
            label: 'useAuth.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
            label: 'useUser.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
        label: 'components/',
        defaultExpanded: true,
        children: [
            label: 'Card.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
            label: 'Button.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'app.vue',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'nuxt.config.ts',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt'

  <UTree :items="items" />


Use the multiple prop to allow multiple item selections.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'app/',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    children: [
        label: 'composables/',
        children: [
            label: 'useAuth.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
            label: 'useUser.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
        label: 'components/',
        defaultExpanded: true,
        children: [
            label: 'Card.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
            label: 'Button.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'app.vue',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'nuxt.config.ts',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt'

  <UTree multiple :items="items" />


Use the color prop to change the color of the Tree.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'app/',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    children: [
        label: 'composables/',
        children: [
            label: 'useAuth.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
            label: 'useUser.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
        label: 'components/',
        defaultExpanded: true,
        children: [
            label: 'Card.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
            label: 'Button.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'app.vue',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'nuxt.config.ts',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt'

  <UTree color="neutral" :items="items" />


Use the size prop to change the size of the Tree.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'app/',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    children: [
        label: 'composables/',
        children: [
            label: 'useAuth.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
            label: 'useUser.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
        label: 'components/',
        defaultExpanded: true,
        children: [
            label: 'Card.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
            label: 'Button.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'app.vue',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'nuxt.config.ts',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt'

  <UTree size="xl" :items="items" />

Trailing Icon

Use the trailing-icon prop to customize the trailing Icon of a parent node. Defaults to i-lucide-chevron-down.

If an icon is specified for an item, it will always take precedence over these props.
<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'app/',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    children: [
        label: 'composables/',
        trailingIcon: 'i-lucide-chevron-down',
        children: [
            label: 'useAuth.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
            label: 'useUser.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
        label: 'components/',
        defaultExpanded: true,
        children: [
            label: 'Card.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
            label: 'Button.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'app.vue',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'nuxt.config.ts',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt'

  <UTree trailing-icon="i-lucide-arrow-down" :items="items" />
You can customize this icon globally in your app.config.ts under ui.icons.chevronDown key.
You can customize this icon globally in your vite.config.ts under ui.icons.chevronDown key.

Expanded Icon

Use the expanded-icon and collapsed-icon props to customize the icons of a parent node when it is expanded or collapsed. Defaults to i-lucide-folder-open and i-lucide-folder respectively.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'app/',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    children: [
        label: 'composables/',
        children: [
            label: 'useAuth.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
            label: 'useUser.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
        label: 'components/',
        defaultExpanded: true,
        children: [
            label: 'Card.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
            label: 'Button.vue',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'app.vue',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'nuxt.config.ts',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt'

  <UTree expanded-icon="i-lucide-book-open" collapsed-icon="i-lucide-book" :items="items" />
You can customize these icons globally in your app.config.ts under ui.icons.folder and ui.icons.folderOpen keys.
You can customize these icons globally in your vite.config.ts under ui.icons.folder and ui.icons.folderOpen keys.


Use the disabled prop to prevent any user interaction with the Tree.

You can also disable individual items using item.disabled.
<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'app',
    icon: 'i-lucide-folder',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    children: [
        label: 'composables',
        icon: 'i-lucide-folder',
        children: [
            label: 'useAuth.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
            label: 'useUser.ts',
            icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript'
        label: 'components',
        icon: 'i-lucide-folder',
        children: [
            label: 'Home',
            icon: 'i-lucide-folder',
            children: [
                label: 'Card.vue',
                icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
                label: 'Button.vue',
                icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'app.vue',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue'
    label: 'nuxt.config.ts',
    icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt'

  <UTree disabled :items="items" />


Control selected item(s)

You can control the selected item(s) by using the default-value prop or the v-model directive.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { TreeItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items: TreeItem[] = [
    label: 'app/',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    children: [{
      label: 'composables/',
      children: [
        { label: 'useAuth.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' },
        { label: 'useUser.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' }
      label: 'components/',
      defaultExpanded: true,
      children: [
        { label: 'Card.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
        { label: 'Button.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' }
  { label: 'app.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
  { label: 'nuxt.config.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt' }

const value = ref()

  <UTree v-model="value" :items="items" />

If you want to prevent an item from being selected, you can use the item.onSelect() property:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { TreeItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items: TreeItem[] = [
    label: 'app/',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    onSelect: (e: Event) => {
    children: [{
      label: 'composables/',
      children: [
        { label: 'useAuth.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' },
        { label: 'useUser.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' }
      label: 'components/',
      defaultExpanded: true,
      children: [
        { label: 'Card.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
        { label: 'Button.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' }
  { label: 'app.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
  { label: 'nuxt.config.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt' }

  <UTree :items="items" />
This lets you expand or collapse a parent item without selecting it.

Control expanded items

You can control the expanded items by using the default-expanded prop or the v-model directive.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { TreeItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items: TreeItem[] = [
    label: 'app/',
    value: 'app',
    children: [{
      label: 'composables/',
      value: 'composables',
      children: [
        { label: 'useAuth.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' },
        { label: 'useUser.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' }
      label: 'components/',
      value: 'components',
      children: [
        { label: 'Card.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
        { label: 'Button.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' }
  { label: 'app.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
  { label: 'nuxt.config.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt' }

const expanded = ref(['app', 'composables'])

  <UTree v-model:expanded="expanded" :items="items" />

If you want to prevent an item from being expanded, you can use the item.onToggle() property:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { TreeItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items: TreeItem[] = [
    label: 'app/',
    defaultExpanded: true,
    onToggle: (e: Event) => {
    children: [{
      label: 'composables/',
      children: [
        { label: 'useAuth.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' },
        { label: 'useUser.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' }
      label: 'components/',
      defaultExpanded: true,
      children: [
        { label: 'Card.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
        { label: 'Button.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' }
  { label: 'app.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
  { label: 'nuxt.config.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt' }

  <UTree :items="items" />
This lets you select a parent item without expanding or collapsing its children.

With custom slot

Use the item.slot property to customize a specific item.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { TreeItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = [
    label: 'app/',
    slot: 'app' as const,
    defaultExpanded: true,
    children: [{
      label: 'composables/',
      children: [
        { label: 'useAuth.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' },
        { label: 'useUser.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-typescript' }
      label: 'components/',
      defaultExpanded: true,
      children: [
        { label: 'Card.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
        { label: 'Button.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' }
  { label: 'app.vue', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-vue' },
  { label: 'nuxt.config.ts', icon: 'i-vscode-icons-file-type-nuxt' }
] satisfies TreeItem[]

  <UTree :items="items">
    <template #app="{ item }">
      <p class="italic font-bold">
        {{ item.label }}



Prop Default Type



The element or component this component should render as.



"error" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "info" | "warning" | "neutral"



"md" | "xs" | "sm" | "lg" | "xl"



"value" | "icon" | "label" | "trailingIcon" | "defaultExpanded" | "disabled" | "slot" | "children" | "onToggle" | "onSelect"

The key used to get the value from the item.



"value" | "icon" | "label" | "trailingIcon" | "defaultExpanded" | "disabled" | "slot" | "children" | "onToggle" | "onSelect"

The key used to get the label from the item.




The icon displayed on the right side of a parent node.




The icon displayed when a parent node is expanded.




The icon displayed when a parent node is collapsed.




string | false | true | TreeItem[] | (e: Event): void | (e?: Event | undefined): void | (string | boolean | TreeItem[] | ((e: Event) => void) | ((e?: Event | undefined) => void) | undefined)[]

The controlled value of the Tree. Can be bind as v-model.


string | false | true | TreeItem[] | (e: Event): void | (e?: Event | undefined): void | (string | boolean | TreeItem[] | ((e: Event) => void) | ((e?: Event | undefined) => void) | undefined)[]

The value of the Tree when initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control the state of the Tree.



Whether multiple options can be selected or not.



The value of the expanded tree when initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control the state of the expanded tree



When true, prevents the user from interacting with tree



The controlled value of the expanded item. Can be binded with with v-model.


"toggle" | "replace"

How multiple selection should behave in the collection.



When true, selecting parent will select the descendants.


PartialString<{ root: string; item: string; listWithChildren: string; itemWithChildren: string; link: string; linkLeadingIcon: string; linkLabel: string; linkTrailing: string; linkTrailingIcon: string; }>


Slot Type

{ item: TreeItem; index: number; level: number; expanded: boolean; selected: boolean; }


{ item: TreeItem; index: number; level: number; expanded: boolean; selected: boolean; }


{ item: TreeItem; index: number; level: number; expanded: boolean; selected: boolean; }


{ item: TreeItem; index: number; level: number; expanded: boolean; selected: boolean; }


Event Type

[payload: string | boolean | TreeItem[] | ((e: Event) => void) | ((e?: Event | undefined) => void) | (string | boolean | TreeItem[] | ((e: Event) => void) | ((e?: Event | undefined) => void) | undefined)[] | undefined]


[val: string[]]


export default defineAppConfig({
  ui: {
    tree: {
      slots: {
        root: 'relative isolate',
        item: '',
        listWithChildren: 'ms-4.5 border-s border-(--ui-border)',
        itemWithChildren: 'ps-1.5 -ms-px',
        link: 'relative group w-full flex items-center text-sm before:absolute before:inset-y-px before:inset-x-0 before:z-[-1] before:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:before:ring-inset focus-visible:before:ring-2',
        linkLeadingIcon: 'shrink-0',
        linkLabel: 'truncate',
        linkTrailing: 'ms-auto inline-flex gap-1.5 items-center',
        linkTrailingIcon: 'shrink-0 transform transition-transform duration-200 group-data-expanded:rotate-180'
      variants: {
        color: {
          primary: {
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-primary)'
          secondary: {
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-secondary)'
          success: {
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-success)'
          info: {
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-info)'
          warning: {
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-warning)'
          error: {
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-error)'
          neutral: {
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
        size: {
          xs: {
            link: 'px-2 py-1 text-xs gap-1',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
            linkTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
          sm: {
            link: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
            linkTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
          md: {
            link: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm gap-1.5',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
            linkTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
          lg: {
            link: 'px-3 py-2 text-sm gap-2',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
            linkTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
          xl: {
            link: 'px-3 py-2 text-base gap-2',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'size-6',
            linkTrailingIcon: 'size-6'
        selected: {
          true: {
            link: 'before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)'
          false: {
            link: [
              'hover:not-disabled:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) hover:not-disabled:before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
              'transition-colors before:transition-colors'
        disabled: {
          true: {
            link: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
      compoundVariants: [
          color: 'primary',
          selected: true,
          class: {
            link: 'text-(--ui-primary)'
          color: 'neutral',
          selected: true,
          class: {
            link: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted)'
      defaultVariants: {
        color: 'primary',
        size: 'md'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        tree: {
          slots: {
            root: 'relative isolate',
            item: '',
            listWithChildren: 'ms-4.5 border-s border-(--ui-border)',
            itemWithChildren: 'ps-1.5 -ms-px',
            link: 'relative group w-full flex items-center text-sm before:absolute before:inset-y-px before:inset-x-0 before:z-[-1] before:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:before:ring-inset focus-visible:before:ring-2',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'shrink-0',
            linkLabel: 'truncate',
            linkTrailing: 'ms-auto inline-flex gap-1.5 items-center',
            linkTrailingIcon: 'shrink-0 transform transition-transform duration-200 group-data-expanded:rotate-180'
          variants: {
            color: {
              primary: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-primary)'
              secondary: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-secondary)'
              success: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-success)'
              info: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-info)'
              warning: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-warning)'
              error: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-error)'
              neutral: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
            size: {
              xs: {
                link: 'px-2 py-1 text-xs gap-1',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
              sm: {
                link: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
              md: {
                link: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm gap-1.5',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
              lg: {
                link: 'px-3 py-2 text-sm gap-2',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
              xl: {
                link: 'px-3 py-2 text-base gap-2',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-6',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-6'
            selected: {
              true: {
                link: 'before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)'
              false: {
                link: [
                  'hover:not-disabled:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) hover:not-disabled:before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
                  'transition-colors before:transition-colors'
            disabled: {
              true: {
                link: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
          compoundVariants: [
              color: 'primary',
              selected: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'neutral',
              selected: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted)'
          defaultVariants: {
            color: 'primary',
            size: 'md'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        tree: {
          slots: {
            root: 'relative isolate',
            item: '',
            listWithChildren: 'ms-4.5 border-s border-(--ui-border)',
            itemWithChildren: 'ps-1.5 -ms-px',
            link: 'relative group w-full flex items-center text-sm before:absolute before:inset-y-px before:inset-x-0 before:z-[-1] before:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:before:ring-inset focus-visible:before:ring-2',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'shrink-0',
            linkLabel: 'truncate',
            linkTrailing: 'ms-auto inline-flex gap-1.5 items-center',
            linkTrailingIcon: 'shrink-0 transform transition-transform duration-200 group-data-expanded:rotate-180'
          variants: {
            color: {
              primary: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-primary)'
              secondary: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-secondary)'
              success: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-success)'
              info: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-info)'
              warning: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-warning)'
              error: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-error)'
              neutral: {
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
            size: {
              xs: {
                link: 'px-2 py-1 text-xs gap-1',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
              sm: {
                link: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
              md: {
                link: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm gap-1.5',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
              lg: {
                link: 'px-3 py-2 text-sm gap-2',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
              xl: {
                link: 'px-3 py-2 text-base gap-2',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'size-6',
                linkTrailingIcon: 'size-6'
            selected: {
              true: {
                link: 'before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)'
              false: {
                link: [
                  'hover:not-disabled:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) hover:not-disabled:before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
                  'transition-colors before:transition-colors'
            disabled: {
              true: {
                link: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
          compoundVariants: [
              color: 'primary',
              selected: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'neutral',
              selected: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted)'
          defaultVariants: {
            color: 'primary',
            size: 'md'
Some colors in compoundVariants are omitted for readability. Check out the source code on GitHub.